How did tracy brown Ring die

The Tragic Death of Tracy Brown Bering


On the morning of February 10, 2005, 23-year-old Tracy Brown Bering was found unconscious in her Los Angeles apartment after fatally overdosing on a lethal mix of prescription pills. Her death at such a young age came as a shock to her family and friends, as well as her fans who knew her from her appearance on the MTV reality show “My Super Sweet 16” just a few years prior. However, a closer examination of Tracy’s final months revealed that she had been privately battling severe depression for some time, ultimately leading to her accidental overdose.

Tracy overdosed on pills following a prolonged battle with depression

  • According to those close to Tracy, she had been struggling with depression for several years but was rarely open about the depth of her struggles. She had been prescribed antidepressants by her doctor to help manage her condition, but friends said the medication was not entirely effective in relieving her symptoms.
  • In the months before her death, Tracy’s depression seemed to be worsening. She was having frequent mood swings and crying spells and had become more withdrawn from social activities she previously enjoyed. Her roommate at the time, Jennifer, later told authorities that Tracy had also begun abusing her prescription pills, often taking more than the recommended dosage.
  • Tragically, on the morning of February 10th, Jennifer found Tracy unconscious in her bedroom after ingesting a potentially lethal combination of antidepressants and painkillers. Emergency responders were called but were unable to revive Tracy, and she was pronounced dead at the hospital. The Los Angeles County Coroner ruled the cause of death an accidental drug overdose. Toxicology reports found dangerously high levels of multiple prescription medications in her system.
  • Friends stated in the aftermath that Tracy had begun making more references to suicide and dark thoughts in the weeks before her death. Her long battle with treatment-resistant depression ultimately led to the fatal overdose that took her life at just 23 years old. It was a sobering reminder of how mental illness can silently progress, even for those who seemingly have it all.

Tracy Brown Bering got Jodi’s name tattooed on her because she thought Jodi wanted to kill herself

One of Tracy’s closest friends at the time of her death was a woman named Jodi, and their relationship provided unique insight into Tracy’s state of mind in her final months. According to Jodi, just a few months before Tracy died, she spontaneously insisted that they get matching tattoos together. Tracy wanted to get Jodi’s name inked on her hip.

Jodi told authorities that Tracy was going through an extremely depressive episode at that time. She said Tracy had become fixated on the idea that Jodi was suicidal and might try to end her own life. Despite Jodi’s assurances that she was not suicidal, Tracy was persistent about getting the tattoo as a way to always have Jodi with her, even if the worst were to happen.

Looking back, Jodi believes Tracy was projecting her suicidal ideation onto her friend. Getting the tattoo of Jodi’s name may have been Tracy’s misguided way of wanting to remember someone she cared deeply about if she were to follow through on her thoughts of self-harm. Tragically, just a few short months later, it was Tracy herself who lost her battle with depression and accidentally took her own life.

The tattoo has taken on a far deeper meaning in retrospect. It served as a subtle cry for help from Tracy, who was privately struggling so much but rarely opened up about the severity of her mental anguish.

Life and Fame Pre-Death

To understand what may have led to Tracy’s depressive spiral, it’s important to examine her life and rise to fame in the years preceding her tragic overdose. Tracy grew up in the middle class in Orange County, California. She was popular and sociable in school, graduating near the top of her class from the prestigious Orange County High School of the Arts in 2000 at just 16 years old.

It was around this time that Tracy began pursuing modeling and acting opportunities. In 2002, at the age of 18, she landed her biggest break yet by being selected to participate in the first season of MTV’s new reality show, “My Super Sweet 16.”. The premise of the show followed extremely affluent teenage girls from Southern California as they threw lavish $100,000+ 16th birthday parties.

Tracy’s episode featured her boisterous Jamaican-themed party, where she was showered with expensive gifts like a new BMW convertible from her parents. Overnight, Tracy gained recognition among MTV’s young viewers as the breakout star of the season. Tabloids and celebrity blogs began covering her lavish lifestyle of parties, modeling jobs, and new celebrity friends.

For many casual viewers, Tracy seemed to be living an ideal life of wealth and glamour as a young reality starlet. However, the pressures of instant fame and expectations of keeping up extravagant appearances were likely taking a psychological toll that she did not publicly acknowledge. Beyond the highlights reels, Tracy was still developing as a young adult and navigating relationships, school, and her own identity.

The Dark Side of Fame

Behind closed doors, it’s believed Tracy’s posh public image began straining under its own weight in the years after her Sweet 16 episode aired. Despite continuing modeling work and smaller TV roles, she found it difficult to convince producers she was serious about an acting career beyond just being known as “that girl from MTV.”

Tracy also struggled with the press’s scrutiny of her personal life. Tabloids seemed fixated on any signs of trouble in her romances or partying too much. Even relatively minor incidents, like underage drinking in 2003 or 2004 or relationship spats, were blown out of proportion online. The non-stop attention made it stressful for Tracy to have normal young adult experiences without feeling constantly judged.

Friends said that Tracy likewise faced snobby criticism from her ultra-wealthy social circle in Orange County once the spotlight of her fame dimmed. Some former friends treated her as a “has-been” rather than accepting her for who she was beyond televised fame at age 16. The fickle nature of the industry and social circles she depended on for validation took an emotional toll.

All signs pointed to Tracy facing immense pressure to maintain her “party girl” image even as she got older and her ambitions evolved past superficial fame. Behind smiles for the paparazzi, Tracy was privately wrestling with self-doubt, insecurity, and mental health issues seemingly exacerbated by the trappings of sudden notoriety at a young age.

Struggles with Mental Health

It was around 2003 or 2004 when Tracy’s friends first noticed changes in her behavior, indicating the onset of mental health issues like depression and anxiety. She started having problems with motivation, gained a significant amount of weight, was frequently weepy, and expressed low self-esteem in her looks and career prospects.

Tracy saw multiple therapists and psychiatrists in her attempts to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. She was eventually prescribed antidepressants as well as anti-anxiety medication. However, it seemed the various drug regimens she tried over the subsequent months provided limited relief from her worsening symptoms. Tracy had frequent episodes where she felt dangerously low and entertained suicidal thoughts.

Her loved ones tried their best to be supportive, but Tracy was very private about the depths of her inner turmoil. According to Jodi, there were periods where Tracy seemed to be improving on medication only to abruptly spiral back down without warning. The up-and-down rollercoaster took its toll on both Tracy and those supporting her mental health journey.

In her final months, friends noticed Tracy’s self-care slipping as her depression amplified. She stopped grooming herself, withdrew socially, and seemed deeply unhappy despite exterior signs of superficial wealth like her Hollywood Hills home. Tracy was self-medicating her immense emotional pain by abusing prescription pills rather than seeking further psychiatric help.

The Addiction Spiral

Tracy had been treated for back injuries in her late teens from a car accident, which likely contributed to her doctors prescribing multiple powerful painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet on top of antidepressants. While intended to help manage physical ailments, the narcotic properties of these opioid drugs proved tremendously addicting for someone already misusing them due to mental anguish.

Toxicology reports after Tracy’s death showed amounts of various substances in her system that were multiples of recommended therapeutic levels. It’s believed she had transitioned to abusing rather than properly taking her medications. The potent cocktail of antidepressants combined with opiates would have had a dangerous synergistic effect, disinhibiting Tracy’s already suicidal thoughts.

On that final fated morning of February 10th, 2005, it seemed Tracy had reached a tipping point after months of worsening depression, addiction, and self-neglect. She succumbed to her most severe mental health crisis by way of an accidental overdose, snuffing out a young life that outwardly still appeared to have so much potential ahead.

Tracy’s death served as an important reminder that even those in the spotlight are not immune from invisible struggles like mental illness and addiction. Despite riches and fame by mainstream standards, inner demons do not discriminate, and she ultimately loses her battle in the cruelest of circumstances.

By Ashley Dever

ASHLEY DEVER also writes for Nybreaking,, Techbullion, Filmdaily, Newsbreak, waterwaysmagazine, MSN, Apnews, Urbansplatter, Designerwomen, Businesstomark, ventsmagazine, Stylevanity, and other Premium quality sites. Contact:

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